Despite all this, you still should have a website of your own. Read on, to find out why.
Your website is the hub for your online presence.
You have probably already found the many options to get the word out about your work online, and odds are you’ve set up your profile on a number of these already. Many of these platforms for creative professionals offer something special and unique, along with a sense of community. All good things to have.
Your website should be the center for all these things, the hub linking to your other profiles, the communities you frequent, and your portfolios all over the web. Your readers won’t get lost trying to find a place to contact you directly, and they won’t miss out on any of your work.
You look more professional if you have your own website.
Not only will your readers and fans have that hub to find you, but you will create a more professional impact for those looking to hire you or publish your work. You will be considered more on top of your game, reliable, and able to convey quality with your work.
You can add new features as you need them.
You may start with a blog or a gallery for your art, writing, or photography, but maybe you want to move to an online store under your own brand. You can have a store set up on your own website, under your own personal brand. Want a news letter form so you can keep everyone up to date? This is an option as well.
A personal website is scale-able to your needs.
You have control of your website.
By using your website as your hub for your presence, you create your own connection with your users and readers, and are not endorsing other platforms or brands without any say. Any decisions toward what appears on your website and what decisions ultimately end at you.
Need more convincing? Think of your favorite authors, writers, illustrators. The professionals. Have a look at their websites – and no doubt they have them. Think about what you’d like the internet to say about you, and then take the next step to get your own website in gear.